How to track Live Chat conversions in Google Ads

Set up a Google Ads conversion when someone opens a new conversation or create a new lead

Luca Micheli
Written by Luca MicheliLast update 2 years ago

If you want to track your live chat conversions in Google Ads follow the tutorial below. This is perfect if you are sending paid traffic on a specific landing page and you want to track also conversions coming from the live chat such as a new conversation or a lead generated.

Let's start! 

1. First of all open the Google Ads Conversions.

2. Open an existing conversation or create a new one. For the tutorial purpose, we'll create a brand new Chat Generated Lead Conversion.

3. Hit the plus button

4. Select Website

5. Fill the details as described below

6. You will be asked to choose an installation method, select "Install the tag yourself".

7. Follow the instructions you find below

8. Once you have got the snippet of the conversion, you need to add it to a callback to your live chat integration as shown below.

You should paste into it only the following blue part.

      app_id: "REPLACE_APP_ID",
customerly.onLeadGenerated = function() {
           gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-819675893/72yqCNf9ut0BEPWF7YYD'});


Please refer to our tutorial on live chat callbacks for more information about supported events. 

If you want to track events in Google Analytics please follow this tutorial: How to track Live Chat events in Google Analytics

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