How to tag conversations

If you want to learn how to tag conversations to improve your customer service, this article is for you

Luca Micheli
Written by Luca MicheliLast update 2 years ago

If you want to improve your conversations' workflow by organizing them with the tags, you can do it in your inbox.

What is a conversation tag?
A conversation tag is the conversation state. It identifies if the conversation is in progress, if someone is working on it, or it's a top priority one.

How to tag a conversation?

  • Go to your inbox

  • Select your conversation

  • Move all the way to the header of a conversation, and you will see the "No tag" element

  • Click on "No tag" and select the most suitable tag for you: 'In progress', 'Waiting', 'Priority'.

Once the tag was selected, you will see it was changed in the header

Discover more:

  • Check this article to learn how to filter your conversations by tags.

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