Find the recent page your contact viewed
This article is about how to access user information in your inbox
When you install Customerly live chat software on your page and your customer interacts with it, we automatically track the last page he viewed and display it in your inbox, so you have access to this information in your customer service work area.
How do I find the last page viewed in my inbox?
Go to your inbox
On the very right sidebar, you will see 'Last page viewed', the URL under it, and the date stamp when it happened
If you click on this URL, it will bring you to the page

To ensure proper page tracking and that the 'Last page viewed' information is updated in the inbox, make sure your integration is correct with customerly.update method, check this article to learn how to take full control of the live chat with JavaScript.
Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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