How to add the Help Center sitemap to Google Search Console
If you want to find out how to add the Help Center sitemap to Google Search Console you will find it in this article
If you want to understand the SEO performances of your Help Center website, search traffic, fix issues, Google Search Console tools will help you with this.
Customerly made it possible to add the Help Center sitemap to Google Search Console.
Here are the steps you need to take:
1. Click on the top left corner search bar to add property. Then click on + Add property and add your domain.

You can find your domain in Help Center under the Project Settings.

2. Add your Domain you found in Help Center settings to the domain field. Hit Continue.

3. Once another window is open, you need to verify domain ownership via DNS record.
Choose the verification method as shown on the screenshot. Then click on Verify

Once you added the property, your domain, verified domain ownership, you will see the menu on the left with many options.
4. Click on the Sitemap on the left menu.
Add sitemap.xml at the end of your domain in the field and click Submit

5. Once submitted you will discover all the URLs on this page:

And now you can index your Knowledge Base articles 🙂
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