A complete guide about company properties

If you users manage different companies in your environment you can use company properties.

Luca Micheli
Written by Luca MicheliLast update 2 years ago

In this article, we learned about contact properties. You can easily create dynamic lists with companies' properties and use advanced filters for your future marketing automation.

What is a company property?

Company property is a data point related to any of your company’s contact.

Each property has a:

  • Name: The name of the property is something you will recognize, such as company_size.

  • Description (optional): An internal description to identify your property.

  • Value: The value you want to store for each company for the same property.

  • Type: The type of value you will store (text, number, boolean, date).

As you can see, Roberto has a company_size property of number type with the value "10".

Note: While you read "Company size" the actual name of the property is without spaces (company_size).

What are the company property types?

There are four types of properties data you can track:

  • Text

    • Any strings with a max length of 128 chars

    • [eg. "Dublin", "Professional"]

    • Possible operations

      • is

      • is not

      • starts with

      • ends with

      • contains

      • does not contain

      • is set

      • is not set

  • Number

    • Any Integer, Float numbers are accepted values

    • [eg. 1, 3.14, 10000, -10203]

    • Possible operations

      • equal to

      • not equal

      • less Than

      • greater than

      • is set

      • is not set

  • Boolean

    • true/false, 0/1 are the only accepted values

    • [eg. true]

    • Possible operations

      • is True

      • is False

      • is set

      • is not set

  • Date

    • UNIX Timestamp format only in seconds

    • [eg. 1644933485 for 2022-02-15T13:58:05.000Z]

    • Possible operations

      • is before than X days ago

      • is in the last X days

      • is before than X hours ago

      • is in the last X hours

      • is exactly X days ago

      • is before a certain date

      • is after a certain date

      • is on a certain date

      • is set

      • is not set

When you can use a company property instead of a contact property?

A company property can be used when you have your contact's company information, whereas the contact properties are assigned to individuals. For example, if you have a contact company that is subscribed to an Enterprise plan and has 10 teammates on the team, the company will have various company properties assigned to it, and those 10 teammates will be assigned with the contact properties.

Is there default company properties?

These are the default properties we handle on our end. Some of them are writable from you, others are read-only. This means that if a property is read-only you cannot change it in any way. Such as the IP address of a contact. Writable means you can modify its value.

  • company_id

    • [date | Writable] A dated property that stores your contact's company id

    • Update only via Chat API and Integrations

    • Read via REST API, Integrations

  • created_at

    • [date | Writable] A dated property that stores the date when your contact's company has been created.

  • last_seen_at

    • [date | Writable] A dated property is updated only when the contact has seen the last time

    • Read/Update via Chat API, REST API, Integrations, Import

  • name

    • [text | Writable] The text property to store your primary contact's company name

    • Read/Update via Chat API, REST API, Integrations, Import

How you can use a company property?

Remember: company properties cannot have any spaces, for example, the company size will have an underscore comapny_size and the same algorithm works for all other properties.

In other words, the human-readable property visible to you in filters, inbox, and CRM is company size and machine-readable property (used in API, JS, CSV/XML import, Outbound Profiling chats messages and data connectors)

Also important to remember is that properties cannot have special symbols such as @, %, *, #, you can only use:

  • all characters from A to Z

  • uppercase or lowercase letters

  • All numbers from 0 to 9

  • _ and -

To track a custom property you just need to pass the information to us via:

  • JS API


  • CSV/XML import

  • Outbound Profiling chats messages

  • data connectors (eg. Zapier, Integromat)

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